EL Visio

A fresh new start!
You wish to smoothly plan your expenses? EL Visio account from Emirates Lebanon Bank is a revolving credit linked to a card that will allow you to do exactly that.

EL Visio, a flexible credit that adapts to your needs:

  • You can determine with your Relationship Manager the amount of the reserve.
  • You are free to use all or part of this reserve at will, without any written proof.
  • You will pay interests only on the used amount.
  • In case of a serious event, EL Visio insurance will reimburse your credit.

EL Visio, a pioneering offer in Lebanon :

EL Visio is a unique formula offering you multiple advantages:
  • You will have access to a permanent fund reserve.
  • You will get a credit card giving you access to your reserve 24h/24 to settle your purchases and withdraw cash (in Lebanon and abroad). With each transaction made by EL Visio card , you will benefit from a grace interest period of 30 days counting from the purchase date.
  • You will have access to ELB-eb to make transfers or complementary refunds.
  • You will get an automatic management of your accounts through the "Reflex" mechanism: whenever you current account becomes debtor, EL Visio account would bail it out.
  • Our interest rates and fees are among the lowest in the market.

With EL Visio, be in control :

  • Thanks to acknoweldged monthly installments, you always know what to expect.
  • Each month, you will receive a detailed EL Visio statement of account to know where you stand.
  • You can check your EL Visio account at any time with ELB-eb.
  • Throughout monthly refunds, you reconstitute your available reserve. To do so quickly, you can make exceptional refunds at any time..

Authorization Use Monthly installments
5 000 USD 1 000 USD 57.75 USD