Emirates Lebanon Bank cardholders can now deposit cash or checks at any time.
► Depositing cash or checks into the ATMs is convenient and time saving as all Emirates Lebanon Bank cardholders can enjoy a quick and easy service 24/7.
► They can deposit up to:
► 50 notes in LBP and/or USD. The receipt states the number of notes deposited, their denomination and the total.
► 50 checks in LBP and/or USD. A copy of each deposited check is printed on the receipt .
► Use of the cash and check deposit service at the ATMs constitutes acceptance of these terms:
►The Bank’s default value date will be applied on all deposits. Any check deposits made after 12 pm will be considered as deposited the next working day.
►Banknotes deposited through the ATM shall be converted if denominated in a currency other than the currency of the Account selected at the prevailing Bank’s exchange rate. The clients and/or users renounce their rights to object to any of the transactions or the exchange rate applied.
►The Bank may at any time without prior notice and at its discretion, cancel any deposit made through the ATM, in whole or in part.
►The bank shall not be responsible for any loss or personal damage resulting from the use of the deposit service due to unlawful acts including but not limited to, fraud, assault, theft, or other.